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Tag Broadcast is for residents participating in community activities and broadcasting useful community information such as Safe Walking Route, Unsafe Walking Route, Safe Cycling Route, UnSafe Cycling Route, Blocking Pathway Access, Safety Concern, Poor Air Quality, Street Graffiti, Fly-Tipping, Over-Flowing Bins, even broadcasting of insects spotted around the community woodlands and parks. These shareable 'broadcasts' are verified by you and other residents, once verified (authenticated), it's then shared directly with an assigned contact email of the designated local authority or district department for the purpose of being able to use the information to develop the community e.g. Unsafe Cycling Routes broadcasted and mapped by the community can lead to an improvement in making the route much safer. Insects broadcast information can assist the park rangers and general community interest. A blocked pathway can lead to an unblocked pathway. Your participation is key in helping us to authenticate broadcasts, this is to ensure that only valid broadcasts are acted on, therefore the council officers' or partner's time and resources are used efficiently. Your participation is rewarded with participation points towards your leaderboard score for prizes, with more rewards to come. You can use this functionality to broadcast useful information that is available on the list.

This is an example of how your participation in authenticating a broadcast works. E.g. All the residents participating in the leaderboard received a notification and opened their Street Tag app to authenticate a broadcast. If 3 or more residents thumb-down the broadcast as being false, and in the same way if 3 or more residents thumb-up to confirm that the broadcast is valid, that will be the majority consensus and those residents will be credited with 100 participation points for authenticating the broadcast, and the residents that thumb-up inaccurately will be credited with zero participation points. It is in the interest of residents to authenticate accurately as each resident will not be aware of how other residents are authenticating. The resident that broadcasted the information will also receive bonus points if the broadcast receives a positive thumb-up consensus.

Each broadcast comes with a picture of what needs community authentication. Only 18+ years old accounts on Street Tag can participate in Tag Broadcast.

To participate in authenticating a broadcast, as soon as a broadcast is shared, you will instantly receive a push notification asking for your participation. You can switch on and off your participation from the Street Tag app settings e.g. switching it off in your settings will prevent you from receiving notification about a broadcast.

If you are a user of the Street Tag app in Oxfordshire, this is now available for you.

Street Tag