Evidence of sustained behavioural change on Street Tag - Case Study

Using Sport England Short Active Lives Survey Scoring Tool

  • Active respondents achieved the recommended level of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.

  • The Fairly Active respondents are those who completed 30–149 minutes per week.

  • Inactive respondents are those who achieved less than 30 minutes of activity per week.

Using physical and app activity

  • An Active user is a user that does "1.5miles or 4000 steps or scan 8 tags" weekly for a 3-week period (i.e., over a longer sustained period) in a month.

  • A Fairly Active user is a user that does "1.5miles or 4000 steps or scan 8 tags" weekly for a 1-2 week period in a month. 

  • An Inactive user is a user who achieved less than "1.5miles or 4000 steps or scans 8 tags" for a week in a month. 

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