StreetTag User Case Study

StreetTag User Case Study

This report is a summary of the Street Tag users survey. The objective of the survey was to measure Street Tag’s impact and understand how users have benefited from using the app. Overall, there were 219 respondents from Barking and Dagenham, Basildon, Central Bedfordshire, Colchester, Furness, Greenwich, Hounslow, Kingston, Newham, Cherwell, Oxford, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse, West Oxfordshire, Redbridge, Tendring and Wndsor.

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Majority of the respondents- 79% are female, while 21% are males, and 0.5% prefer not to provide their gender. 

Users Age Category

There was a wide spectrum of users ranging from under 12 years old to above 75 years of age. The highest percentage of the respondents are 35 - 54 accounting for 67.6% (35-44 are 41.6% and 45-54 are 26%).

Health Conditions

219 users responded to the question about their health conditions, 27.9% have been diagnosed with a Health Condition, while 72.6% do not have a health condition.

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The common themes in relation to respondent’s health conditions include: anxiety, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, hypertension, cancer etc.

Use of Fitness App

More than half of the respondents- 55.3% have not used a fitness app before but 44.7% have used a fitness app before. 48.76% of the respondents who have not used a fitness app have experienced improvement in their health since they started using Street Tag App. Among those who have used fitness apps before, 72.16% have not noticed improvement in their health but find Street Tag helpful because:

  • It creates a sense of purpose to walk

  • It is competitive

  • It is fun and motivating

  • It helps to feel the sense of community

  • It supports children health and well being. 

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Common themes in relation to Health Improvement:

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  • Better feeling of wellbeing and les depressed. Less “sluggish” feelings or tiredness.

  • Better mental health

  • Better sleep and focus

  • Better stamina and power from walking and biking

  • Breathing is better. Weight loss too which I am pleased with.

  • Can walk more with getting tired

  • Cancer treatment completed

  • Due to more walking I feel much fitter

  • Feel better in myself getting out and about

  • Feel more motivated

  • Feeling calmer

  • Find it easier to move knee joint

  • Fitness levels has improved immensely

  • Fitter and have a purpose to go out everyday

  • Getting out in the fresh air and walking daily has helped with my mental health

  • I am able to walk further and for li get periods of time. I am.also walking more regularly.

  • I am going out more often for daily walks which has improved my mental well being

  • I can walk further without having to stop for a breath

  • I do more exercise than use to it before . My heart rates improved.

  • I don’t struggle to walk as much and distances are easier.

  • I feel more energetic now. My stamina has improved for walking and muscles are getting firm.

  • I have definitely become fitter thanks to strert tag.

Street Tag Differentiation from other Fitness Apps

Below are some user feedback (opinion) on how Street Tag is different from other apps:

  • Able to involve family and friends easily

  • allows to have teams together and helps to get to know your local neighbourhoods

  • Because it can benefit the school so it’s an incentive for me to do it. Also it’s a challenge to me to see how many tags and steps I can do.

  • Being able to join a team

  • Better achievements

  • Brilliant idea,still don’t understand it fully tho

  • Collecting tags for the school and having a point score gives incentive go keep going

  • Competitive.can see benefits

  • Easy to use

  • Emphasis is on getting out in the local area with the use of the map.

  • Encourage to walk a little further to get one more tag

  • Encourages you to do more steps, work as a team and offers incentives

  • Encourages you to get out walking manageable distances to reach the street tags near you, sometimes further to get more of an achievement.

  • Encourages you to go out and exercise.

  • Encourages you to utilise the local outdoors more

  • encouraging and Motivating and replying back of each and every queries and solving any issues.

  • Friendly competition and feel like being part of a team

  • fun & engaging game

  • Fun and motivating

  • Fun being involved in a competition

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  • gain points for a cumulative total

  • Gives you a chance to engage with your team mates and encourage each other

How has Street Tag Benefited you?

  • Below are some of the comments from respondents on how Street Tag has bennefiited them.
    Physically and mentally challenged and stimulated. A sense of teamwork and comradary as well as fun competitiveness.

  • Makes walking more fun

  • Get out more

  • Enjoyed motivating others with it

  • I am walking every day with a purpose.

  • Me and my kid both enjoy it together and get physically fit and active and have fun together

  • Made me think about my steps

  • I want to recommend when you walk should automatically register on your phone rather keep on looking at it to click the points which is making stressful

  • get more exersize and lost some weight

  • Overall health benefit. More fitness.

  • I'm a primary school PE teacher and before StreetTags, afterschool, I would be too tired to do anything. Now, it's given me a reason to go out and exercise regularly. I am very competitive and enjoy earning points and competing against my colleagues (and other schools) I have also used StreetTags to motivate my students and parents to exercise outside of school. StreetTags has also got my family out more, cycling together.

  • Regular walking

  • It's given me more of a reason to go out than simply "exercise" and to explore new areas in hopes of new tags :)

  • Incentive to get out more

  • I am doing more exercise with my children. We enjoy going out collecting tags and discovering new places.

  • Got me outdoors, appreciating nature and smiling more, in a time when I was feeling quite down mentally.

  • keep me on track.

  • To feel healthy

  • Even on lazy days where I dont want to walk, it makes me go for my walk because I dont want to fall behind on points.

  • I've lost weight because I'm doing more walking and cycling to get more tags.

  • Motivation

  • Family time

  • Get us moving even more

  • Motivated to get out and earn points and more so since the garmin link was made compatible

  • I am more active with my fitness

  • I've moved more and know my neighbourhood better

  • Family time

  • Lost weigh

  • Increased my daily steps. Got me moving outside more often than I did before. In turn this has given me space to think while walking and maintain/tone muscle. Struggling to juggle this now all returned to working on site.

  • Setting the power hour has helped me create a routine.

  • Made me go out more than usual

  • Reminds me to exercise and stay healthy.

  • Fun way to track fitness

  • I left my house everyday of the summer holidays and I normally wouldn’t - I’d stay indoors for the entire holiday all 5 weeks. I think this has had a positive impact on my mental health.

  • Has helped with my competitive side in wanting to be top of the leaderboard and there push me to go out more for linger walks!

  • Was a welcome novelty during lockdown

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Daily Physical Activity Routine

There are 219 responses on the impact of Street Tag in aiding the development of daily physical activity routine. Majority 67.3% (43.2% agreed and 24.1% strongly agreed) agreed that Street Tag has been helpful in developing a physical activity routine. 22.7% are indifferent and 10% disagree.

Weight Loss

219 respondents were asked how often they measure their weight- 36.8% rarely, 44.1% monthly, 9.1% every quarter, 10% every six month.  

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The respondents have highlighted some of the benefits of using the Street Tag app which rightly aligns with the objective of creating the app and continuous improvement of app performance. More users agree that the app has a number of benefits by helping them engage in physical activities without knowing. This has also highlighted some good health benefits of using the Street Tag broadly including: physical (stamina, fitness, consistent breathing and blood circulation, energy), mental (alertness, good sleep, lively, sense of purpose), and emotional (family time, connecting with other users, sense of togetherness etc). Some of the respondents are of the opinion that the app is targeted at kids, this is partly because kids find it fun to use. On the contrary, the app is targeted at family and friends, with the purpose of fostering interaction, creating healthy competition and ultimately getting everyone, everywhere physically active.

Whilst most of the comments are positive, it is important to take some of the constructive feedback such as battery drain, app optimisation issues (UI/UX) etc. and addressed as soon as possible.  It will be important to see how addressing the concerns raised by the respondents can increase user engagement.

Street Tag