Street Tag's Easter Adventure: Participate in our Fun and Egg-citing Activities!

Are you looking for some egg-citing Easter activities to engage your family? Street Tag has got you covered! This year, we are introducing three fantastic activities that you can enjoy with your loved ones during the Easter holiday.

1. ST Virtual Easter Egg hunt game (8th to 10th April)

We will have virtual Easter Egg Tags on our app as the tag image. There will be a tiered number of points given to those participating in the activity based on the number of virtual easter eggs they can collect within the timeframe for the activity.

150-250 egg tags: 15,000 points

100-149 egg tags: 11,000 points
50-99 egg tags: 8000 points
20-49 egg tags: 4000 points
5-19 egg tags: 1000 points

2. Easter bunny pictures

Some Easter holiday fun! Send us your #SelfieWithEasterBunny outdoor picture once during the Easter holiday, 3rd April to 14th April, with your username and leaderboard name to claim a 1000 points bonus. ONLY send it to and allow up to 3 days before your bonus is added.

3. The Easter scavenger hunt (3rd April to 14th April)

This is an outdoor scavenger hunt for kids. So when kids go out on a walk with their parents, they will look for the things on the ST Easter scavenger card. When they see an item on the card, they take a picture of it as proof and tick it off on their card. For each item they see and take a picture of, they get 180 points. 

The ST scavenger card contains 15 items, so if they find all the items, they get 2700 points. If they don’t find all the items, we count the number of items ticked off their cards and multiply it by 180 to determine their points. 

Picture proofs for the items found can be sent in daily when an item is found in an email thread or you can wait until the last day to send everything at once, along with a screenshot of their ticked ST scavenger card. 

The deadline for the parents to send in the ticked card of their kid/s and picture proofs is on the 18th of April. 

Picture proofs should be sent to with the subject as Easter scavenger hunt activity and the username(s) of the kid(s) who performed the activity.

Download the ST Easter Scavenger Card here.

So, what are you waiting for? Participate in our Easter activities and make this holiday season more fun and exciting for your family!

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