NEW update and commitment from us to you.

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Going forward, you will only receive 4 emails from us per year. We believe in delighting you and making your experience remarkable on Street Tag, therefore we will never spam your email or abuse the trust that you've placed into consenting for Street Tag to send you updates. We are the company that will only send out 4 emails in a year.

We have already sent 2 out of 4 emails already this year, this means you will not be receiving more than 2 email updates from us this year, with the exception of 2 emergency emails reserved to be sent out during emergency circumstances, also with the exception of emails sent out to inform you of your prize winnings on Street Tag and the automated notifications that the app sends to you ONLY if you have turned this on in your app settings.

We hope this commitment brings you delight for the day. #4emailsPerYear

#LoveTagging Street Tag Team

Street Tag