May Health Tag Challenge Report

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Today is a good day in Street Tag world and we are celebrating it with all the taggers. You've made this leap possible. Thank you for believing in us, your ongoing feedback and the trust that you've placed in Street Tag to keep you and your family active. 

We successfully ran the pilot of the Health Tag Challenge in the latter part of May, we are sharing the result with you. 

May Health Tag Challenge Report 21 May 2020 to 31 May 2020

1. 22 people participated in the May Health Tag Challenge by committing £5 each.

2. 15 people completed the May Health Tag Challenge. (68% success rate)

3. 9 people selected no charity

4. 7 people selected to donate their £5 capital and share (of the winnings of those that did not complete the challenge) to their chosen charity. 

5. 6 people selected to donate only their share (of the winnings of those that did not complete the challenge) to their chosen charity. 

Next steps for Street Tag's Health Tag Challenge

(First, thank you all again for joining June's challenge. If you'd like to join you still can join up until 5th June)

1. Before the end of June, we are working towards releasing a new app update that will allow you to commit to future challenges using your existing Health Tag Challenge WALLET BALANCE. If for example, you did the same thing as the people in number 3 and number 5 above.

2. We will be working with more charities that will be listed on the Health Tag Challenge. We are open to suggestions, feel free to inbox us. 

3. Automating parts of the Health Tag Challenge e.g. wallet balance distribution and new total raised for charities. 

4. Adding integration for Samsung Health steps tracking, Apple Watch steps tracking and Street Tag's very own inbuilt steps pedometer as an option. 

5. Adding other essential improvements to your experience of Health Tag Challenge. 

6. Maintaining and onboarding new partners to offer match-funding on Health Tag Challenge

7. Listening to more of your feedback :) 

Onwards and Upwards. #LoveTagging 


Street Tag remains a free app. Join in, earn some virtual tags, convert your steps into Street Tag points, climb the community or schools leaderboard, and win some awesome prizes. The Health Tag Challenge is an added feature on the Street Tag app that you can use to challenge yourself. Learn more here.

Street Tag