Street Tag's Health Tag Challenge upcoming update
We've had some more feedbacks privately from families on how you'd like the Health Tag Challenge to be flexible and still challenging. Here is an improvement that we are planning for the Health Tag Challenge either by the end of June or by mid-July to be available. The priority in the meantime still remains in adding Samsung Health and Apple steps etc.
We will be creating an equilibrium that will allow you to increase and decrease either between STEPS or VIRTUAL TAGS when you join the Health Tag Challenge. This means you can choose to do more STEPS whilst doing less VIRTUAL TAGS in the challenge. The points target of 40,000 points will remain static. You will be able to toggle or slide to adjust between steps and virtual tags. E.g. Anytime up to 5 days before the month's challenge kicks off, you can adjust your slider flexibly, outside of this for that given month you cannot make further changes. This means you have the control to pick how much you want to challenge yourself based on your plans for the month.
The default goal for the month is...
1000 virtual tags
100,000 steps
100,000 steps /by 1000 virtual tags = 100
You will be able to decrease the virtual tags by 100 at a time, up to a minimum of 100 tags required to be done in the challenge. For every 100 virtual tags decrease, the steps required will increase by 10,000 steps i.e. 100 virtual tags = 10,000 steps, within the Health Tag Challenge.
Similarly, 10,000 steps decrease will translate to 100 virtual tags increase e.g. for users that prefer to challenge themselves to do more tags and fewer steps. Up to a minimum of 10,000 steps required to be done in the challenge.
In Summary - for every 10,000 steps, you can reduce your tags by 100. Or for every 100 tags, you can reduce your steps by 10,000.