Taggers, have fun participating in Street Tag’s Summer Bingo!


Our summer bingo consists of simple ideas and healthy new habits beyond workouts that Taggers can be inspired to add to their daily routine this summer. 


It has started and ends on August 31st. There are two downloadable Street Tag summer bingo cards, which you can strike virtually when you complete an activity each day. 

Let's try and push ourselves to attempt new and different activities this Summer and strike them off daily on the phone.


You should be done with your first bingo card on the 7th of August. And the second bingo card on the 31st of August. 


Send us a picture of a bingo card when it’s completely ticked. And give us a bingo shout-out on social media, by uploading a picture of the completely ticked bingo card with the hashtag #streettagbingo



  • It’s free for everyone to participate, however if you’re not a Street Tag user, you will need to download our free app on the App Store or Google Play Store.

  • The summer bingo activity is designed in such a way that you do an activity a day. And for each activity, you will get 1000 points. 

  • If you complete a card you will get 24000 points and an additional 1000 bonus points added to your Street Tag wallet. 

  • If you complete the two Street Tag summer bingo cards you will get a whooping 50000 points added to your Street Tag wallet.

  • As a way to keep everyone accountable and faithful to the game, you will be required to send daily proof of you completing an activity for each day to support@streettag.co.uk. Proofs can be in the form of pictures/short videos. To make everything orderly and easy to track please maintain an email thread. So after sending the first email with the proof of you completing that activity, you will just maintain that email and keep on adding daily proofs, thereby creating a mail thread. The subject of the email should be #StreetTagBingo, your leaderboard name and username.

  • By August 7th you should have sent in 24 images/short videos as proof of you completing the activities. And 25000 points will be added to your Street Tag wallet. Please give up to 7 days for the points to be added to your Street Tag wallet.

  • If you miss a day or can’t complete all activities, send in the proof of the activities you were able to do, and the points for those activities will be added to your Street Tag wallet. Also give us a shout out on social media and tag us on your post that you participated in the Street Tag summer bingo, please use our hashtag #StreetTagBingo too.

  • By 31st of August you should have sent in 48 images/short videos as proof of you completing the activities, and 50000 points will be added to your Street Tag wallet. Please allow for upto 7 days for the points to be added to your Street Tag wallet. 

  • Send us a picture of a bingo card when it’s completely ticked. And give us a bingo shout-out on social media, by uploading a selfie of you and the completely ticked bingo card with the hashtag #StreetTagBingo, and tag us to your post.

  • For the activities you can't do, we will take creative improvisation for those activities and you can mark them off on the card. For example in place of washing a car, you can wash your bike or scooter or walking shoes. For gardening you can do another house shore in it's place. So be creative with it and think of an alternative activity that can replace the one you can't do or don't have access to, and when sending in the proof of the activity, send in the picture/short video along with a note explaining the creative alternative you did in place of the activity in the card.


Disclaimer: Please note that when you send us pictures/videos we post some on our social media. However, if you don’t want us to post them, please indicate when sending your pictures/images and you will still get your points.



The Street Tag summer bingo activities are listed below. Do have fun completing them!


1. Choose the stairs over the elevator

2. Go on a nature walk

3. Dance to a high-intensity music 

4. Try out easy and simple Yoga exercises for 20 minutes

5. Mow the grass/ garden to burn few calories

6. Mop the floor/ sweep to keep the body active

7. Do Household deep cleaning to shred a few calories

8. Take a pet out for a walk for at least 30 minutes

9. Go on a bike ride with kids for at least 30 minutes

10. Play outdoor games - basketball, tag, hide and seek

11. Jog/ Run for at least 30 minutes

12. Walk to a tube station instead of hopping on a bus                             

13. Eat a healthy breakfast

14. Go Trekking/ climbing for muscle power

15. Go on Adventure trails/walking trails in a group

16. Do some flexible moves on Trampoline/ jumps

17. Do 20 sit-ups. Sit-ups are an effective way to target your abdominal muscles

18. Walk with filled shopping bags as weights 

19. Declutter your home/room

20. Vacuuming/ Hovering the house 

21 Join a Local Park run

22. Play Frisbee in a backyard

23. Engage in Squats to increase lower body and core strength

24. Wash a car. Car washing strengthens the stabilizing muscles in your shoulders and promotes rotational movement.

25. Tree Pruning and Cutting

26. Rake leaves in the garden

27. Clean the garage all the lifting, pushing, and pulling will gas your muscles from head to toe

28. Step challenge; use the app to complete 1k/2k challenge

29. Set a new couchToPB record for yourself

30. Spend 10 minutes stretching

31. Do 10 minutes of Quick punches

32. Do 10 minutes of leg raises

33. Replace 30 minutes of screen time with 30 minutes of physical activity

34. Drink 2 litres of water in one day

35. Make fruits and vegetables a major portion of one of your meals for one day.

36. Go to a different area/place from your normal route to collect 10 tags

37. Drop a new tag

38.  Send in a selfie of the family on a walk.

39. Tell 5 people about Street Tag

40. Write a kind note to a family member.

41. Post a picture of you at one of the Saturday Tag parties on FB or Twitter or IG, using the hashtag #streettagparty, also tag our handles to your post.

42. Collect one of the GOLD tags (these pop up in different locations/parks/areas

each day over the holiday)

43. Meditate for 10 minutes

44. Send in a short video of you and the family doing a fun physical activity together (it could be a dance, workout or hiking video, anything at all, so far it involves physical activity for the whole family)

45. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

46. Invite someone to a Saturday Tag Party

47. Avoid dessert and candy for one day.

48. Send in a quote of how Street Tag has helped you


 Download Street Tag Summer Bingo Cards here

Download Street Tag Summer Bingo guidelines here

Cheers to Tag-Tastic summer!!!

Street Tag