Step Up Your Health with Street Tag

Dawn Wright and Wendy Hudges are just two of the many Street Tag users who have discovered the health benefits of daily walks and tagging. Dawn started walking to improve her pre-diabetic condition, and with the motivation of Street Tag, she has seen her levels return to normal, and her cholesterol levels drop.

Wendy uses Street Tag to track her and her children's daily steps, aiming for a combined goal of 22.5k steps per day.

Read their words below and learn what they have to say about the Street Tag program in their community.



"My routine changes slightly due to icy conditions at the moment, but normally I would try to average between 2-3 hours of walking and collecting tags daily. I started walking due to health conditions, and my doctor put me on a pre-diabetic programme which encouraged me to walk.

Then my sister invited me to join street tag, which motivated me more. I'm pleased to say that I love "tagging". It's helped me physically and mentally. My levels are back within range for diabetes, and my cholesterol levels have also dropped.

When I first started tagging, there were hardly any tags within Aveley, we have slowly built up a few different routes, and we would love to do a park tag, but sadly none of us drive and are a fair distance away from Basildon"


"I tend to go into the Street Tag app before the school run and get some tags on the school run. I inevitably forget to do the kids' tags, though. 🙈 this is usually my power hour.

I'll do a couple through the day if I'm out and about. Otherwise, if I'm walking the school run in the afternoon, I do some then.

I add the kids' steps after they've gone to bed. I aim to walk 12.5k steps a day and the kids are normally around 10,000.

It's a real shame that there aren't any prizes on the Basildon leaderboard anymore. That was a nice incentive."


Street Tag isn't just about improving physical health. It's also a great way to get out and explore your community, discover new routes, and connect with others who share your passion for walking and tagging. As Wendy mentioned, it's a shame that the Basildon leaderboard no longer has prizes. Still, the sense of accomplishment and enjoyment of the activity itself is reward enough for many Street Tag users.


What are you waiting for? Join the Street Tag community today and start reaping the benefits of daily walks and tagging. Your health (and mind) will thank you.


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